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The Gallery VI

Ralph Joseph Onesti Piano Restorations
1317 MacDade Boulevard, Woodlyn, PA 19094
Phone or Fax 610.833.1657    email: rebuild@onestipiano.com


Down the home stretch.

Here a gleaming, newly gilded, and hand lettered plate is carefully lowered into place and restored to its proper position in the piano. A paper cover is there to protect the newly refinished instrument from damage during the process.

After installing all the plated hardware and polished brass, the piano is ready for stringing and installation of the new action. The piano will then be tuned, voiced and regulated.

Another exquisitely restored instrument.

Information on current in-house restorations can be referenced by clicking here.

If you would like to find out if your piano is a candidate for restoration or for information on the evaluation process, please feel free to contact the office by phone or email your request to rebuild@onestipiano.com

Or...Take advantage of a rare opportunity and invest NOW in an Exquisitely Restored Onesti - Rebuilt Instrument.

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