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Ralph Joseph Onesti Piano Restorations
1317 MacDade Boulevard, Woodlyn, PA 19094
Phone or Fax 610.833.1657 email: inquiry@onestipiano.com
The links referenced below are included in this website as a courtesy so that you may visit and take a more detailed look at the products, services or information they have to offer.
For your further enjoyment and information, please scroll down for several family-oriented music related sites and music educator sites.
You can click this link to view our Local Artists page which is comprised of many of our very talented clients.
(NOTE: All of these links take you away from the Onesti Piano Restorations website. You will need to use your browser's BACK button to return.)
Industry and Trade Links:
For additional, detailed information on the use of their climate control systems in grand and vertical pianos; endorsement letters from various manufacturers; graphic illustration of each system as well as the effects of humidity on specific areas of the piano. Ralph Onesti, RPT is a Field Expert and a Certified Installer with Dampp-Chaser.
For additional, detailed descriptions of all systems available as well as a comprehensive look at where and by whom these systems are being used. Reference is available to their monthly publication. View the entire music library online, then come back to order directly from our site. Order any item at 10% off their current list price.
A supplier of the highest quality piano parts. All are welcome to visit. Lots of history on the Renner company, from old Hamburg to now. Basic to detailed information regarding the workings of the piano with moving graphic images to illustrate each item described.
A supplier of all types of wire for musical instruments and more. History of the company and their various products.
Home page for the Piano Technicians Guild, Inc. National and international; this organization promotes the highest levels of piano technology. Only those member technicians having an RPT designation, or Registered Piano Technician, have demonstrated competence by passing a series of three rigorous examinations on the maintenance, repair and tuning of pianos.
Home page for the Philadelphia Chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild; the local chapter of Piano Technicians Guild, Inc.
Home page for the Master Piano Technicians of America, an organization of professional piano technicians.
For the following links, hold curser over link for a brief description.
Just for Kids!
Just for fun - and more!
American Sheet Music
Leonard Bernstein Collection
Ray Charles
Piano Education Page
Professional Organizations and Universities
American Music Therapy Association
Academy of Vocal Arts
Philadelphia Chamber Chorus
West Chester University, College of Music
Temple University, Esther Boyer College of Music
Music Teachers National Association
Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association
MENC - Home page for National Association for Music Education
Pennsylvania Music Educators Association
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