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(Assembly/Disassembly Checklist)


 Remove all moving parts and discard.
 Polish or replace front and balance rail pins.
 Clean key frame, or replace.
 Rebush key sticks and replace buttons and or felt.
 Replace back checks.
 Install new key end felt.
 Clean main action rails, replace where necessary. No oversized screws in main action rails.
 Adjust cross action measurement where necessary.
 Replace regulating buttons and screws.
 Graphite and Teflon application to key frame where contact is made.
 Install new wippens and repin if necessary.
 Install new hammer shanks and flanges, repined.
 Travel shanks.
 Shape hammer tails and checker.
 Install hammers bored to new string height and angle.
 Shape hammers and pre-voice.
 Rough regulate.
 Play action for 8 hours minimum.
 Fine regulate and voice.
 Play action for 8 hours minimum.
 Final adjust, regulate and voice.


 Manufacture new damper guide rails and bush.
 Install new heads where necessary.
 Install new French felt.
 Break in with action.
 Regulate.
 Rebuild pedal lyre assembly
 Install new damper underlevers


 Dry board for proper equilibrium moisture content.
 Rough fit board to case.
 Dry board to reclaim proper moisture content.
 Fine fit board to case.
 Clean inner rim and shape for angled glue joint.
 Custom cut ribs for structural support.
 Position ribs and index to board.
 Dry board to 1-2% moisture content.
 Install ribs on board and feather.
 Position bridges to define scale.
 Custom shape board surface according to scale.
 Smooth board for bridge glue joint.
 Install bridges.
 Install board in piano.


 Cut away old bridge top to leave no holes.
Install new, 90* quarter sawn Maple bridge cap no less than 5/8 ", with proper grain orientation.
 Install bridge on board.
 Using plate and board in piano, set proper downbearing.
 Install and correct old bridge pattern.
 Drill for 1" pins.
 Blacken bridge top and custom notch.


 Remove and discard old block.
 Hand fit new block to plate.
 Correct 'v' bar in plate at treble.
 Correct agraffe holes or replace agraffes as necessary.
 Coat block with lacquer.
 Set pattern and drill new holes on drill press out of piano on special production press.
 Install block using installed board as index.
 Glue block to case and spreader where possible.


 Remove all dirt and foreign matter.
 Apply sealer.
 Apply color.
 Apply second coat of sealer.
 Apply light coat of clear lacquer.
 Number the plate as necessary.
 Apply final coats of clear lacquer.
 Hand letter all raised lettering.
 Replace stringing scale.
 Dress plate with new felt and hardware.